

Approaches of Literary Criticism and Types of Literary Criticism ?

        Approaches of Literary Criticism and Types of Literary Criticism ?


      Literary criticism in the first twentieth century as another gone a see changes in it Nature , Objective , Methods approaches and function it as another gone several revision recreation with Biographical approaches . The new theory of language images from linguistic and the methods of analyses of literary criticism . There are literary criticism gave way to several extra disciplinary exploration in to language and literature. These exploration cam to be knows as literary theory .

           Literary Criticism is interpretative in Nature and it all way searches for the meaning of the work . Literary theory on the other hand do not look for meaning but from textual aspect that means the meaning impossible . Literary criticism is Biographical , Historical and Psychological approaches ware as literary theory . The approaches consist of many term and methods are represent

      Following are same  approaches of literary criticism and same types of literary criticism

☆ Biographical Approaches :-

                            It is one of the oldest an

d best establishes methods of literary study it is the study of literature as a reflection of it Author’s life and personality or the life and personality of the characters in the work . Its study of the author’s biography with reference or the work , Art and vice verses . In the Biographical approaches Author’s more important . The Biographical approaches follow that the meaning of the work can be best explen in term of the life and personality details of the writer and triest to examin the meaning of the literary work in the life’s of these details .

☆ Subjective Biographical Approaches :-

            Subjective Biographical Approaches. means the study of the Author’s life and personality . It is study of Author’s Biography with reference or his works It is the study of the study of the writer’s life and time , In the biographical approaches seen his life style and details of his works . These approaches follow several times honoured assumptions about the nature and function of literary production . “ Literary work is the creation of a writer and hence a certain understanding of the writer’s life and personality can be seen as an essential requirement for a proper understanding of the meaning of the work “ These approaches seeks the origin of the work in the life and personality of writer and some time equates the origin of the work with the originality of the writer the proponents of this method refuse to see art as a dehumanized or dehumanizing activity but emphasize the crucial role of the artist and any artistic production .

                                                                          EXAMPLE  :-

          Romantic poet [ Period ] who writes about himself and his innermost feeling .

      William Wordsworth  :-  Prelude

      John Milton             :-  On his blindness

          The anguish of the poet and his efforts at seeking a religious solace appear meaningful when the reader considers the biographical details of Milton and Wordsworth

Objective Biographical approaches :-

                      In the objective Biographical approaches study of the particular work . In the objective biographical approaches study particular text , Images , Diction , Style and particular language of the work . The second type of writers demand a biographical understanding of the work even in the case of objective poets a certain kind of knowledge of the writer life . We cannot fully dispose of the problem of personality of literature .

            Thus the Biographical approach came under serious suspicion and scrutiny in the twentieth century . New criticism has been antagonistic to this approach . In became hostile to biographical approach . Roland Barthes , for instance , declares the death of author

Psychological Approaches :-

                  Psychological Approaches to literature could mean several things . It could mean the psychological study of the writer as types and as individual or the study of the creative process or the study of the psychological types and laws present within the work or finally , the effect of letarature upon its readers . Psychological approach mean the study of art is nothing but reflection of life or literature . The study of mental state of the author while creat the work of art [ Drama , Novel and Poetry ]

         Life likeness is observed with the help of psychological sarvey . The Author’s mind while crating the work of art .

              The Psychological approaches was developed by the Jarman Psychologist Sigmand Freud [ 1856 To 1939 ] The most significan in the see in his work the idea that most human mental activity is unconscious and the primary source of psychic energy [ libido ] is sexual . Freud divides the human mind schemantically in to three zones . 

     They are the Id  :- Unconscious

     The Ego  :- Conscious Personality

      Super Ego :- Conscience

       Id  :- Unconscious 

        Id is role by Libido – Id represent sexual argest and Desire . It work to satisfaction on of fullfeeling represent desire and constanty seek pleasure Freud calls it the pleasure principle .

The Id is

  • ·        Unconscious
  • ·        Dark
  • ·        Primitud Original
  • ·        Inaccessible part of mind
  • ·        Unorganised

·        Don’t  follow the categcry of time and place

The Ego  :- Conscious Personality

The Ego work as in intermin between the id and external world The ego

·        Accessible mind

·        Orgenised

·        Follows the category time and place

·        Secondery part of mind

      Ego regulates and controls the drives of the Libido .  Balancing it against the demands of the external world . Freud called it is the reality principle

       Super Ego :- Conscience

              Super Ego work of a higher level than the ego . According to Freud as the child grows he / she becomes independants of his parents . Acuires cultural and moral idea and norms of behavior . These ideal norms of behavior are internalized and form the super Ego . The Super ego regulates the ego so that all behavior and conscious thought is in accordance with socital standard . Essentially the Super ego is the minds moral volue .

        Psychonalytic study deals with the linguist and symbolic paterns in the text and attempt to revel the subconscious motive behind the surface description literary work is interpreted as a substitute for the authorus unconscious desire and drides and the job of psychoanalytic critic is to explain this process or substitution . It is a systematic analysis of the human mind especially of the unconscious Sigmund Freud analysis of the human mind into three zones Id , The Ego and Super Ego as well as Oedipus complex are applied to factors like the author text , readers and characters to determine the workings of the unconscious behind the creative process .

         Sociological approach :-

             This types of Criticism examine literature in the cultural economic and political situation in which it is a written . The sociological critic is primarily interested in exploring the social milieu and the extend and manner in which the artist responds to it. This approach receives a recognition from the 18th century with the emergence of novel as a literary form . In the 28th century with the spreding of the ideas Karl Marx this approach became a scientific method of literary interpretation . According to Karl Marx the essence the nature and function of literature and art could be understood only by relating it to prevailing social conditions and by analyzing the social system as a wholey

          Karl Marx Marxist criticism is one of influential type of sociological criticism Marxist criticism focuses on the economic and political elements of art of ten emphasize the ideological content of literature because it argues that all art is political and it is frequently evaluative and judgemantal .

        Feminist Literary Criticism :-

        It is a socio moment for the freedom and equality of women that began in 18th century Europ . It mines women’s Marginalized from different points of view like historical philosophical and psychological . It review the past and the preset literary work by women writers in the light of new feminist theories . The movement began in 1960 and grew into three wave . The 1st phase is seen between 1830 to 1920 focusing on the women’s suffrage . Property rights and political candidacy . The second wave [ 1960 to 1980 ] focuses on reducing inequalities and official legal inequalities , Inequalities in family , the work place and the reproductive rise . The third wave feminism  [ 1990 to the present ] focuses on embrasing individualism and diversity .

Historical Approach :-

        VHistorical approach to literature is are of the oldest and important methods in literary criticism . Literary criticism from the very beginning has been historical in nature  in that criticism has always emphasized the relationship between history and literature . Literature crieat the knowledge of Historical period Historical approach to literary criticism has traditionally tried to accomplish three goals .

        First Historical approach to literary criticism is found most fruitful in clarifying certain aspects of the text . This could be by way of tracing the date of composition of a text or in some cases even tracing the author of anonymous text .

       Another goal of Historical approach to literary criticism has seen to sake the history of the author . This iinvolues the description of the author as an artist with a significant past and a predisposition to write in a certain menner . The authors life , his personal history is important to the meaning of any text .

         Historical approach to literary criticism also attempts to grasp a literary work as it reflects the historical forces that shaped it initially to underst and now a historical situation produced a particular literary work of art .

       Taine is the most eloquent proponent of the traditional historical approach to literary criticism . Taine’s approach to historical criticism defines literary interpretation on a genttic model as an explanation of how a work’s genesis in a historical situation brings into being a sistict aesthetic object.

New historicism refuses to see history as a mere background to literary texts .

Formalistic approach :-

         Formalistic approach deals with structural purposes of a particular text . It is the study of the text without talking about outside influence

       Formalism is a literary method that attempts to see a literary work as a form . The main thrust of Formalistic criticism is a call back to the work . The emergence of Formalistic approach in literary criticism can be seen as a reaction to teo ominant form in literary criticism the sociological and psychological approaches .

          T . S . Eliot has been as influential figure in the development of Formalistic criticism . He developed an impersonal theory of art and important on shows the high place of act rather than as an expression of social ethical and political idea . Formalistic approach to literature is that a literary work is a linguistic product and hence a proper explication of the language of the text can reveal its meaning

Thus what matter for the followers their approach is not the emotional or social content of a work .

There are two types or kinds of Formalistic approach

1.     Russian Formalism :

      In the Russian  Formalistic approach advocated a Scientific method for studying poetic language and exclusion of traditional psychological and cultural – Historical approaches .  They agreed on the autonomous nature of poetic language and its speaficity as ans object of study for literary criticism .

2.     New criticism / American :

A Formalistic movement in literary theory that dominated American literary criticism in the middle decades of the 20th century .  It emphasized close reading of poetry .

        Russian Formalism considered the formal properties of literature as a means of achieving particular effects . But the new critic considered literature to be a self sustaining

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